Patient Education
Dr. Leonardo's Patient Education Library automatically fills your website with clinical content relative to your healthcare specialty. Our library contains information on more than 8,800 conditions, treatments and procedures covering dentistry, medicine, physical medicine and animal health – more than any other website builder.
[The accompanying list links to an associated web page for each healthcare specialty, which includes design examples and relative content topics.]
With Dr. Leonardo, you're able to quickly and easily create your own website providing comprehensive Point-of-Care patient education on the conditions you treat and the services you provide.
Dr. Leonardo automatically notifies Google, Yahoo! and Bing to index your personal name and the name of your practice with each topic and its related set of keywords and phrases. This gives your website extensive authority with search engines, particularly when your name is paired together with specific health conditions.
Written for Patients 
Each article within the Patient Education Library is written with your patient in mind and is authored by experienced professional writers (college professors, career educators and medical writers). Multiple resources are carefully selected for research – U.S. Government sources such as the National Institutes of Health and the Center for Disease Control & Prevention, international medical specialty societies and prominent hospital education sources.
Discussions average approximately 400 - 750 words and feature clinical illustrations and photography along with easy-to-reference bullet points and summaries.
Edit & Enhance Any Topic Any Way You Want 
All content within each article resides directly on your website and is completely editable. Add or detract information to reflect your personal perspective on a subject as a professional clinician. You can even upload your own photos and case study examples of your patients.
To enhance your organic SEO positioning in your local area, edit the content to include your name, practice and surrounding localities within each article. You can perform this yourself, or provide access to outside digital marketing agencies.
Send Your Patients to Quality Resources to Continue Their Research 
Patients use the patient education on your website to help them make decisions on their healthcare. Help them to find other quality resources.
Since patients actively use the Internet to research conditions, treatments and surgical procedures, your Dr. Leonardo website can send them in the right direction for additional information by providing a list of various highly-authoritative resources to aid in their research. Each article's sources are listed, and you can add your own links to other websites.
You're Automatically Indexed, But You're In Control of Search 
Dr. Leonardo patient education articles come preset with titles and descriptions and keywords relative to the article's subject matter.
All page titles, page descriptions and keywords are editable on a page-by-page / article-by-article basis, so you're in complete control of how you are indexed. Add your name or practice to content, or use an outside agency to further enhance your organic SEO.
You're Automatically Indexed, But You're In Control of Search 
Your Dr. Leonardo website features a Print-Friendly, rich-text function which automatically formats the page for optimal readability as a print document, and includes your name, practice, contact information and a provider list on every page.
Use the information on your website to educate patients in your office, and provide them with Point-of-Care printouts at your front desk as they checkout.