
Why Patients Leave Healthcare Websites

By   |  May 19, 2014

Is your website getting a substantial amount of traffic, but failing to convert viewers to patients? Read on!

Your website may not be converting because patients are leaving before you get the chance to reel them in! Changing how you present your practice, procedures and patient education can make all the difference in the success of your website.

Here are 5 reasons potential patients may be abandoning your site:

  1. It's not aesthetically pleasing. If your site doesn't captivate potential patients at first glance, you may be in trouble. Your site layout may be outdated, or perhaps your site lacks attention-grabbing images. As a healthcare provider, you want to be seen as cutting-edge and up-to-date with the latest technologies and treatments. If your website does not match up with the image you want to portray, a potential patient surfing the web may decide to contact a different practice with a more impressive site.
  2. Potential patients can't find what they're looking for. You may feel your website has an abundance of information and resources for patients but if they can't locate information, what's the point? Make sure your navigation is clear. If patients can't find the answers to their questions, chances are they'll turn to a competitor's site.
  3. Your site lacks personalization. Your site should include detailed information about your practice, providers and staff. Including pictures, bios and resumes helps patients feel a connection before they step foot into your practice. Wouldn't you rather pick up the phone and schedule an appointment with someone you're already familiar with?
  4. No strong call to action. When patients land on your site, are you telling them what to do next? If not, consider adding a call to action button, for example Book an Appointment Today or Get a Free Consultation. This will prompt them to take the next step and contact your practice.
  5. Your site isn't mobile-friendly. Have you visited your site from a smartphone or tablet? Chances are, it's difficult to read and navigate. If your site isn't optimized for mobile and a patient comes across your site via a mobile device, they are likely to become exasperated while trying to navigate it and leave to find another provider.

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