Three Important Ways to Improve Your Practice's Website
First impressions are everything. It's fair to assume that the first time a patient is making contact with a doctor is through their webpage. Patients conduct their own research more than ever before entering a doctor's office. So how can you make sure that your site gives off a great first impression? In addition to having valuable educational information available to your existing and potential patients, there are three steps you can take to making sure that your website is making effective first impressions.
- Faster is always better! People have short attention spans when it comes to the internet. Make sure your pages are loading quickly and efficiently to ensure users do not exit out of your page before it loads! How fast your webpage loads impacts your search engine ranking, so by increasing your webpage's load speed, you'll be helping your SEO! A great way to speed up your page's load time is to test the site through PageSpeed Insights on Google Analytics.
- Make your site pocket-friendly! Having a mobile-compatible version of your site is more important than ever. A lot of people spend the majority of their web-surfing hours on their cell phones and tablets. Responsive modeled webpages shrink or expand to meet the needs of the user's screen. Responsive sites are recommended by Google, and becoming an industry standard.
- Establish a social media presence! Managing social media accounts may be time consuming but social media marketing has become a staple in establishing and fostering new and existing relationships between medical practices and patients. The more you post on Facebook and tweet, the more likely your original content will expand past your existing audience. The bigger buzz you create for your practice, the more patients you will have! It is essential to make sure that your social media accounts are complete, with relative important information, professional, and accessible. Make sure that Twitter and Facebook profiles are set up without privacy restrictions so that anyone can access them, and always remember to follow Twitter users that are following you!
Let Dr. Leonardo Help!
Create your own high quality, professional site in four incredibly easy steps using Dr. Leonardo, a convenient Internet Presence Management tool that also allows users to fill their practice's site with informative patient education and award-winning images. Click here to get started!