
The Benefits of Downloadable Patient Forms

By   |  May 12, 2014

The forms that patients have to fill out especially new patients can sometimes seem overwhelming. Many patients take a substantial amount of time to fill out the required forms, and if they have to fill them out in the waiting room right before an appointment, it can cut into their scheduled time.

That extra time necessary to fill out forms can throw the entire day's schedule off and create a domino effect of patients having to spend more time in the waiting room. Thankfully, there's an easy way to give patients as much time as they need to fill out their medical forms and also make your office run more efficiently.

Downloadable medical and patient forms allow current and potential clients the convenience of downloading and printing out the forms they need directly from your practice's website.

They can then answer questions regarding their health history, medical issues, medication allergies and insurance on their own time and bring in the filled out forms to your office when they have an appointment. They can also save the forms for future use.

This will cut down on the time patients will spend in your waiting room and make the appointment run more smoothly. It will also reduce patients' anxiety, since they won't feel rushed to fill out forms immediately prior to seeing their doctor.

The downloadable forms on your practice's website can include:

  • Patient information
  • Adult health history
  • Child health history
  • Insurance information
  • New patient registration
  • Notice of privacy practices
  • Consent for treatment of a minor
  • Health information release authorization

Dr. Leonardo lets you add as many downloadable patient forms to your site as you need. Click here to learn more about the many beneficial ways you can update your practice's website.

Does Your Healthcare Practice Need a Website?

Create your own high quality, professional site in four incredibly easy steps using Dr. Leonardo, a convenient Internet Presence Management tool that also allows users to fill their practice's site with informative patient education and award-winning images. Click here to get started!