
Picking the Right EHR for You

By   |  June 23, 2014

Many physicians who have made the switch from traditional paper filing to electronic health record (EHR) systems are finding that they should have gone with a different EHR.

When selecting an EHR or electronic medical record (EMR) system, it's important to note all of its included features, and whether they accommodate your practice's unique needs and workflow. The EHR programs must also be specifically designed to fit with your specialty, as different medical friends require different settings and features.

If you choose an EHR or EMR without carefully reviewing and taking these points into consideration, you may be disappointed with the program you end up with. In fact, a significant portion of physicians are unhappy with the EHR they initially chose.

In 2013, Black Book Rankings polled some 17,000 active EHR adopters. The Report officials found that as many as 17 percent of medical practices intended to switch out their first choice EHR by the end of the year.

With Stage 1 already achieved by many medical practices and Stage 2 of the meaningful use objectives for 2014 already underway, more and more physicians are finding that the EHR software they selected is under-performing, difficult to navigate or does not consistently meet their needs.

Thankfully, there are many different EHR and EMR programs to choose from. Be sure to research the pros and cons of each program, read the reviews written about them by other users and possibly even try the program on a trial basis.

To find out how your practice's website can seamlessly link to your chosen EMR or EHR patient portal, as well as communicate with current and prospective patients more securely, click here.

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