
Why Your Medical Practice Needs a Full Mobile Site

By   |  June 2, 2014

As millions of people are adopting smartphones and migrating to the mobile web, medical practices and hospitals are looking at their options for creating mobile websites. Having a mobile-friendly site offers multiple benefits the most important being that it makes it easy for mobile users to conveniently find your site!

While the choices for a mobile site builder may seem endless, it's important to make the best decision not only for the aesthetics of your site, but also for your site's visibility in mobile search engines. You want a mobile site that is designed and formatted to accurately reflect your specialty, while also strengthening your search engine optimization (SEO).

Which is the best approach for Mobile SEO?

According to an article on Search Engine Land, the best approach for mobile SEO is a one URL strategy.

One URL Strategy = Full Mobile Site!

A one-URL strategy means that your site URL, or the address of your website, is identical on both mobile devices and desktop computers. This is also known as a full mobile site.

Why is this the best approach?

The one-URL approach for mobile sites is the preferred format of two major search engines: Bing (officially) and Google (unofficially). This means that patients using search engines to look for your services from their mobile devices will be more like to find your site if your mobile site has the same URL.

In addition to finding your site on search engines, this approach ensures that potential patients have the ultimate user-friendly experience. When viewed on a mobile device, your site will have the same look, navigation and images, but everything will be sized appropriately for enhanced visibility on mobile devices.

Interested in a Full Mobile Site?

When you create a site using the Dr. Leonardo webuilder, your site is automatically mobile device ready. However, although every site created using Dr. Leonardo is viewable on an iPhone, Android or tablet, it does not have the added ease, speed and convenience of the Mobile Optimization Feature.

Adding the Dr. Leonardo Mobile Optimization Feature to your website will make your site load and respond even faster on smartphones and tablets. The Mobile Optimization Feature will determine each visitor's type of device and its operating system, and automatically reformat your entire website to suit their experience.

Dr. Leonardo Lets You Build an Effective Websites for Your Healthcare Practice!

Create your own high quality, professional site in four incredibly easy steps using Dr. Leonardo, a convenient Internet Presence Management tool that also allows users to fill their practice's site with informative patient education and award-winning images. Click here to get started!