
Why Are Provider Profiles Important to Your Medical Website?

By   |  December 5, 2014

When a potential patient is looking at your website, they're interested in learning more about you, as a medical professional, in addition to what services you offer. To that end, many doctors will often put together a short bio, while also highlighting major accomplishments during their career and education. To add a bit of personality to their bio, medical personnel will also shine a spotlight on their hobbies and passions, whether that's rock climbing, singing with a choir or spending time with their family. This information helps build trust among existing and potential patients.

Professional and Educational Accomplishments

While there is a differing school of thought as to whether a medical professional should highlight their time participating in a fraternity or sorority, if your participation in Greek life on campus was an important aspect of your educational and developmental background, by all means, showcase it. Putting an emphasis on what you learned while participating in community-building exercises is a good way to go about this. Whatever kinds of fundraisers or mixers were held during your tenure with your Greek society is certainly worth mentioning.

Taking part in a semester at sea or time spent in another country as a member of Doctors Without Borders or a similar organization is something that should be highlighted, as well as any other professional organization you're associated with as it pertains to your medical career.

A Little Personality Goes a Long Way

Presenting a potential patient with your qualifications is one thing, but connecting with them on a personal level is another. There are countless doctors with impressive qualifications, so, what sets them apart? Personality. When patients feel they know you in a more personal way, they're likely to have a better impression of your bedside manner.

Your patients all have hobbies and things that they're into. Whether it's fly fishing, reading, cooking, whatever the case may be, highlighting your own hobbies and interests is a way to connect with them. Some of our clients put an emphasis on time spent with their families, while others prefer to discuss what drives their charity work and commitment to the community. Using a do-it-yourself website builder like Dr. Leonardo makes uploading your own biography to your website simple.

Dr. Leonardo Can Help Your Medical Practice Connect With Potential Patients.

Dr. Leonardo is a website builder designed for medical practices. In three easy steps, you can have your medical practice's website live on the Web. For more information on where to start, contact us.