
Recent Blog Posts

Patient Reviews & The Power of Content

Published: November 14, 2017
Patient Education

LOST REFERRALS = LOST REVENUE:  Series (4 of 5)   Previously we discussed the growing trend of Online Appointment Scheduling and how it can benefit your organization.  In this article, we look at another growing trend – Patient Reviews, and how Patient Education Content is at the heart of search engine qualifications. Five-Star Ratings &...  read more

The Online Appointment

Published: November 8, 2017

LOST REFERRALS = LOST REVENUE:  Series (3 of 5)   Previously we talked about the Distracted Patient who winds up visiting the online profile of a competing provider.  Now we discuss the trends and benefits of Online Appointment Scheduling. For many years, the typical phone call placed to a doctor’s office goes something like this:...  read more

The Distracted Patient

Published: November 7, 2017

LOST REFERRALS = LOST REVENUE:  Series (2 of 5)   Previously we identified a growing problem facing individual healthcare providers with Lost Referrals, a/k/a Leakage.  Since professional recommendations remain the primary source of new patients, every provider needs to protect against losing patients to other doctors and health systems.  Now we explore how easily patients...  read more