
A Dr. Leonardo® PROVIDER-Site Helps Your Online Reputation

By   |  July 11, 2019

Everyone craves a good reputation for their name and it's no different for healthcare providers. Having a good reputation helps keep your patients happy and reduces lost referrals. A 2018 Pew Internet study shows that 1 in 5 Internet users search for a healthcare provider by name.

Google yourself! Stay on top of what is being said about you. It is important for every provider to control what patients find whenever a search is conducted for their name. Having an Internet presence is important, but having control of that presence is imperative. There are a number of ways to do that.

Get Your Own Personal Website: When a patient searches for you and the only thing that comes up is a third-party review site, the patient may find inaccurate information or even worse, negative reviews! A Dr. Leonardo® PROVIDER-Site directs your patients to your own personal website. No distractions with ads or temptations to review other provider profiles. Your PROVIDER-Site presents your credentials, your reviews, and an extensive patient education library where your patient can research the condition he/she is looking for.

Get Social: Social-media savvy doctors can effectively communicate with their existing patients, as well as with potential patients. It is important to have complete control over the way you are portrayed as a doctor and how your practice is portrayed. Even more so is being able to engage patients on a personal level. Good reputation points go through the roof for a doctor who connects with patients via Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn. Your Dr. Leonardo PROVIDER-Site features links to each of your social media outlets, increasing followers and connections.

You Need a PROVIDER-Site!

Create your own high quality, professional site using Dr. Leonardo, a convenient eHealth Internet Presence tool. Click here to get started!