Marketplace Partners

Virtual Phone Number (VTN)
A Virtual Telephone Number (VTN) from Twilio is a working telephone number directing calls to an existing telephone line that you assign. Use a VTN to automatically forward calls to your Front Desk, the Scheduling Center for your practice or hospital, or your Cell Phone. The VTN can be used to track visitors to your website and help when assessing marketing efforts. Calls may be directed to any phone number -- landline or mobile.
Dr. Leonardo’s Add-to-Contacts feature allows patients to instantly download your professional information as a Contact on their smartphone and computer. The voice-recognition feature of your patient’s phone will automatically access this telephone number whenever dialing.
Many Dr. Leonardo subscribers use a VTN with their PROVIDER-Site to redirect callers to a new location if they change their place of employment. Patients expecting to schedule appointments with you won’t accidentally wind up at a previous office where you previously worked. A VTNfrom Twilio can follow you as a professional wherever you go.
Dr. Leonardo will procure a Twilio VTN for your area code and set everything up for you.
Set-Up & Activation – $75
- Procure VTN for your area code *
- Configure the VTN to direct calls to a specific telephone line
- Add VTN to your website -- Main, Appointments, etc.
- Test and confirm that the VTN is operating properly
* Not all area codes have numbers available for assignment
Monthly – $15 per month
- Includes 90 minutes of inbound usage
- $5 per month per additional 90 minutes, or fraction thereof